Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

MuTant acted as co-organizer and scientific chair for the first International Conference on Geometric Science of Information 2013 which took place in École des Mines (Paris) in partnership with SEE, and THALES. The conference attracted more than 150 participants worldwide and conference proceedings were published by Springer. MuTant team members organized a special session on Audio and Music and further organized a special social session on music computing at Ircam.

The Brillouin Seminar series on Information Geometry is coordinated by MuTant in partnership with LIX and THALES. It gathers 80 international researchers on the topic from various disciplines. In 2013, we organized 4 major talks. The seminar activity on 2013 was particularly down due to the co-organization of the first International Conference on the topic by MuTant and collaborators. Videos are available on the seminar website.

Jean-Louis Giavitto is in the management team of the GDR GPL (Genie de la programmation et du logiciel), responsible with Etienne Moreau of the “Languages and Vérification” pole of the GDR. He is also and expert for the ANR DEFI projects and a reviewer for FET projects for the UC. He is also the redactor-in-chief of TSI (Technique et Science Informatiques) published by Lavoisier.

Jean-Louis Giavitto has participated in the program committee of the following workshop and conferences: Rencontres interdisciplinaires de Rochebrune: ”La preuve et ses moyens” 13 au 19 janvier 2013; Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts (DETA) track at GECCO 2013, 6−10 July 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands NICSO 2013 The VI International Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, September 2−4, 2013 Canterbury, United Kingdom; HaPoC 2013 2nd International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing 2013. 28th − 31st October 2013, 27/11/13 4/9 Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris; MeCBIC 2013 7th Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi, 7th July 2013, Riga, Latvia.

Jean-Louis Giavitto was cochair of the 6th Spatial Computing Workshop, satellite workshop of AAMAS 2013, Saint-Paul, USA.

Arshia Cont participated in the following events: Course in Collège de France, Informatics of Time and Events curated by Gérard Berry, June 2013; Invited keynote in Seoul (South Korea) on Antescofo, November 2013; Keynote in GSI, Grenoble in December 2013; Invited speech and demonstration for the 20th anniversary of Prix La Recherche ; CHI workshop on Models of Time with Jean-Louis Giavitto and Florent Jacquemard, April 2013.